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Getting Ready for Gatsby Summer Afternoon

Do you have to be an Art Deco Society California member to get in?

We welcome both members and non-members to attend Gatsby Summer Afternoon. However, only ADSC members are eligible to purchase Early Entry Passes. (Please note: this is different from prior years when anyone could purchase an EEP.) Members also receive discounted tickets to the event. Click here to find out more about being an ADSC member. If you become inspired to become a member during the event, please look for the membership table on the grounds.


What is the deadline for advance ticket sales?

The last date for advance purchase of tickets is Friday before the event, up to 12pm. Please note, there will be NO tickets for sale at the door. Click here to purchase tickets in advance to ensure you get in.

The deadline for Early Entry Passes is August 31st at 11:59pm. This is so we can mail your parking credentials to you.

The deadline to purchase tables has been moved up to August 20th. Please make your purchases as we usually sell out.


How will I receive my tickets?

Tickets are purchased through Eventbrite, and you will receive them in an email from Eventbrite. Bring your phone and the event QR code to be scanned, or alternatively, you may print the confirmation with the QR code to show at the entrance.


Can I buy tickets for each person in my party, even if we arrive separately?

Yes, if you want to purchase tickets for other people and have them picked up under their own names, you can purchase tickets online, then email the ticket to the friends who will be using them. Be sure you do not mistakenly use the tickets that you emailed to your friends or you may need to walk up to the gate to let them in. Alternatively, have your friends pick up their tickets under your name by printing the tickets and leaving them at the front table with our friendly volunteers.


How do I get a table? What about just a chair and umbrella?

The invitation has information about renting a table, umbrella and chairs for a group of ten people. Or, you may wish to order individual seats at a group table. You will need to arrange a group and collect the monies before you buy a group table. Table and umbrella sales end by Friday before the event or while supplies last.


If I purchase a table for 10, do I still have to pay for an individual ticket?

Yes, table charges and umbrella packs (extras) are in addition to the ticket price, and are needed to underwrite the rental and set-up costs. Everyone seated at a table needs to have a ticket.

Can I choose which table I rent?

NEW THIS YEAR: The large tables around the dance floor are able to be reserved by table location. The mansion lawn is still assigned by ADSC personnel.


How can I volunteer?

We would love your help! The Gatsby Summer Afternoon would not be possible without our many wonderful volunteers, and they are provided with complimentary admission. Please email to find out how you can help!

Day of Gatsby Summer Afternoon

What do I do if I have purchased an Early Entry Pass?

(Please note: unlike prior years, EEPs are available to ADSC members only.)

Please bring your Early Entry Pass ticket to Gatsby Summer Afternoon that you will receive in the mail. When you arrive at the Dunsmuir, STOP at the bottom of the hill on Peralta Oaks St. and show your Early-Entry pass and tickets for everyone in the car to the volunteers who will be waiting there. They will direct you to the queue that forms on Peralta Oaks St. for early entry. Please do not first drive up the hill to the gate. You will only be directed back downhill to join the queue. If you have event tickets to purchase or pick-up from Will Call, a volunteer will direct you. If you want to be one of the first in the queue, you’re free to arrive at any time after 10am on Peralta Oaks St.

At 11am early entry will begin. The car queue will be released in groups. The Dunsmuir staff will allow only FIVE early entry vehicles onto the grounds at a time. PLEASE KEEP YOUR VEHICLE ON THE PAVED ROAD AT ALL TIMES. Volunteers will direct you to drop off locations. Unload picnic items by the side of the road; do not attempt to drive to a site on the lawn. As each vehicle empties its contents and leaves the grounds, the Dunsmuir staff will notify the ADSC volunteers on Peralta Oaks, and they will signal another vehicle to drive up the hill to enter. Please have your pass and event tickets to show the gate attendants.

Once on the grounds, your vehicle must remain on the paved roads. Only vintage autos are permitted on the lawn. So if you are bringing heavy items, please consider the means to transport those from the drop-off to your picnic site. To ensure all early entrants have equal time to unload, we ask that you strive to unload your contents within 15 minutes. To expedite the process, volunteers will assist with unloading at the drop off site. You may want to leave a helper with your picnic. Please make sure everyone has a hand stamp before you enter or there may be issues once you are inside.

SPEED LIMIT ON THE DUNSMUIR ESTATE: 5 MPH. Route is one way. No vehicles are allowed to exit the front gate until after 6:15pm or when the roads are clear of pedestrians.

After you have unloaded your car, drive your vehicle to the parking lot in the extreme rear of the estate (Jay Gatsby Lot). It is a lovely drive but there is no parking near the carriage or other houses en route. The gate to the rear parking lot will be closed from 1:30pm to 6pm. At the end of the day, when you retrieve your picnic supplies, the vehicle must remain on paved roads and cannot be driven on the lawn. Volunteers will be present to facilitate the exodus. There is NO early exit for Early Entry vehicles.


Can I buy tickets at the gate?

In accordance with the City of Oakland and the Oakland Parks department guidelines, we will NOT be selling any tickets at the door. All tickets must be purchased in advance. Click here to purchase tickets in advance.


Can I bring my dog?

Dogs are not allowed. Service Animals as defined by the ADA for those with disabilities are the only exceptions. 


Is there a discount if I arrive late/leave early?

There are no discounts for early exit or late arrival.


Where do I park?

Parking in the lots near the estate is limited. If you can, please carpool and pick-up friends from BART, or use a ride-share app. You may drop off passengers or picnic items at the circle before parking. We will have a parking shuttle van available to transport guests (not their picnic items) to and from their parking spot to the front gate.

How much is it to park in the lots near the event?

The upper parking lot (West Egg Lot) is closest to the event and highly coveted as a place to park. The cost for the upper parking lot is $8.00 per vehicle (no oversized vehicles). You will need to pre-pay in advance as we sold out of spots last year.

The lower parking lot (East Egg Lot) is the larger lot and a short uphill walk to the top of the hill and entrance to the event. The cost for lower lot parking is $6.00 per vehicle. 

To purchase a parking pass for either lot please go to Eventbrite and add it to your ticket order. You will see Parking Reservation on the menu of ticket options (scroll down), while availability lasts. Volunteers on-site will direct guests to the parking lots and scan their parking reservations. If the parking lots are full, look for street parking in the area. You may first drop off your picnic gear at ‘the circle’.


Is it safe to unload and leave my belongings at the front gate while I go park my car?

Yes, you can leave your things, park, and return. There is always some risk when you do so, so please make the security guard aware when you drop off your items.


What is the “back parking lot”?

The back parking lot (Jay Gatsby Lot) is where vendors, volunteers, and those with an Early Entry Pass will be directed to park. Only FIVE new cars on the grounds at any one time. NO MODERN CARS ON THE LAWN. Park on the shoulder of the road on the asphalt. It is not “open” during the posted event hours from 1pm until 6pm so it is not used by the general public. Vendors are not allowed to enter through back lot and drive onto estate. You must vacate all lots by 7pm. Lots are private and we are only insured for the day. It does get dark earlier and it is a long walk through the "woods" to the back lot with no lighting so be prepared with comfortable shoes, a walking buddy, etc.


Is there a lot of walking involved to get to the event?

Yes, there is a good amount of walking from where you will need to park and to get to the picnic area. It is about a quarter mile from the gate to the main picnic area. We suggest having a change of comfortable walking shoes. For the ladies: high heels do sink into the grass so you may want to change into your precious vintage shoes once you reach the picnic area. There is a shuttle provided during limited hours and does come with a queue so if you want to leave at a certain time you need to be prepared for walking.


When do the shuttles run?

There will be passenger vans on the street to pick up guests that are parked on the neighboring streets and bring them to the front gate. From the gate, We will have golf carts to help shuttle people into the grounds and back. There is no fee to ride.


Costume Closet

There will be no costume closet at Gatsby Summer Afternoon.


Who do the vintage cars belong to?

The Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate is a working museum. The automobiles on display are privately owned by ADSC members and many are museum quality. Please do not touch the vintage vehicles and when taking photos, please pose in front of the car—never on the car or in the car. Click here to find out how to show your car.


What is inside the mansion?

Due to maintenance issues the mansion will not be open for tours during Gatsby Summer Afternoon.


Where can I smoke?

There is no smoking on the grounds due to high fire danger, and it is subject to a $600 fine.


Where is lost and found?

Lost and found will be located at the membership pavilion. Lost and found items will be taken by a board member if not claimed. You can contact ADSC post-event if you are looking for an item.


Where are the bathrooms?

There are bathrooms located just behind the mansion for the public on the hill. There is a handicap ramp that goes up the hill. Additional port-a-potties are located at the bottom of the hill and another potty near the main stage. Volunteers can direct you.


Are there any places I may NOT set up my picnic?

We ask that you set up your picnic in the large meadow or in front of the mansion. Please don’t set up too close to the cars, as they need space to set up their own picnics. Please do not set up within 20 feet of the dance floor on all sides. This needs to stay open as a walkway for people to pass through as well as an area for people to stand and watch the entertainment. Blankets and picnic gear left too close to the dance floor will be moved out of the way by volunteers. To avoid blocking other guests' view, umbrellas and canopies should be set up further back from the stage, towards the tree line, or approximately 50 yards away from the stage.


Where do I pick-up my umbrella & chairs that I ordered in advance?

The umbrella packs will be located in a cluster on the meadow past the tables and labeled with the renter's name. You may move the umbrella and chairs to your desired picnic area but they are weighted umbrellas; and if you can kindly return them to the original area after the event.


No one seems to be sitting at a table, is it okay if I sit down for a little while?

No, we are sorry but those are not “open tables.” All tables are reserved in advance and belong to the people who have paid for them. There is no opportunity to purchase day of.


Is there anywhere else I can sit?

There are a few benches on the grounds, and a bench at the entrance. We encourage and expect people to provide their own seating, either by reserving them in advance or bringing their own chairs or blankets and pillows.


Can anyone dance on the dance floor, or just pros, or paying people (like the table holders)?

The dance floor is for everyone! You are encouraged to dance. Please consider non-slip dance shoes. If you are not dancing please do not stand on the dance floor. Parents, please keep children in check and respect the dancers. The dance floor is for dancing and not a playground. We want to be sure it's safe for everyone!


Who can participate in the contests?

Everyone is welcome to participate in the Charleston Dance competition. There will also be a Vintage Auto award for the “Best in Show”.

As of 2021, all fashion and picnic contests have been eliminated. There will be a costume Parade during the event so please feel free to show off!


Is food available at the event?

There is no food or drink available on site.

NEW THIS YEAR: If you would like to have a meal waiting for you at the event, please pre-purchase a picnic box for $38 from the Celtic Tea Shoppe* with your tickets.

The menu is as follows:

A Buttery Sweet Scone with Strawberry Jam Tart and Fresh House-made Clotted Cream

Finger Sandwiches. A choice between - Cucumber Dill (v) and Pimento Ham/Cheese, or Pimento Cheese for veg.

Hobbit Quiche – Featuring crimini mushrooms, emmentalier and sharp English cheddar cheeses, caramelized onions and English herbs

House-made Quick Pickles - The Celtic Tea Shoppe’s own recipe featuring persian cucumbers, red bell peppers, red onion, and garlic (gently sour with a slightly sweet note)

Two macarons - assorted flavors

Millionaire’s Shortbread bar

Lemon syrup – 2 oz., perfect for adding to fizzy or still water, champagne, wine or beer

* Please note that drinks are not included and there is egg and wheat in each box.

* Sales for the Picnic Boxes will end two weeks before the event at 6pm. Each box is meant to feed 1 person.


Can we bring and consume alcohol publicly?

You may bring alcoholic beverages for your picnic and share them with anyone 21 years of age. Please drink responsibly and ensure you are sober before driving home. If you do need to consider a cab, you must made arrangements to move your car from the lots, or you will be towed, you must vacate all lots by 7pm. Lots are private and we are only insured for the day.


Can we bring glass bottles?

Plastic would not be period correct so you are encouraged to bring glass bottles. Please DO dispose of them properly or carry them out. Be careful with corks and bottle caps as they can harm the Dunsmuir’s lawn mowers the following day.


Can we take photographs?

Yes, you may take photographs anywhere. If you post them on social media, please tag them as "GatsbySummerAfternoon"!

After Gatsby Summer Afternoon

I parked in the front outside of the grounds. When the event is over can I just drive in the front entry to get my stuff?

At the conclusion of the event you may not drive in the front gate. This is now an exit. You need to carry out what you brought in or consider bringing a red wagon with wheels to help ease your journey to your car.


Will there be a Gatsby Summer Afternoon next year? Do you know the date?

The Gatsby Summer Afternoon is always at Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate and is always on the second Sunday in September. We hope you will join us next year!