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2025 September date to be announced! Below is the invitation from 2024.

Gatsby Summer Afternoon, the Art Deco Society of California’s annual 1920s and 1930s garden party and picnic, is like traveling to a time filled with glamour and charm. We ask all of our guests to dress in a reasonable daywear facsimile of the era. Bring your own picnic, elaborate or simple, and join us for an afternoon of music and friendship!

Gatsby Summer Afternoon Features:

Don Neely’s Royal Society Jazz Orchestra with Carla Normand and Frederick Hodges

The Great Gatsby Bathing Beauty Revue featuring the Decobelles

The Crowning of Miss Art Deco

Vintage Cars and a contest for Best Vintage Auto

Charleston Contest - Prizes for Best Solo and Duo

Emcee Craig Roberts of Big Band 89.1 KCEA

Whether you wear true vintage, vintage reproductions, vintage inspired, self-made or make-do, all are welcome. All we ask is please: NO jeans, shorts, t-shirts, polo shirts, tennis shoes, or flip flops, as modern casual clothing breaks the magic spell of the Gatsby Summer Afternoon. Please make sure to inform all of your guests, and check out our How to Gatsby pages for tips.

Follow the Art Deco Society of California on Facebook and Instagram for announcements.